Z&Z Tactical Inc.

Want to win the fight, survive the encounter then give us a call (954)559-0449. Or email us anytime at zztactical@yahoo.com

Want to win the fight, survive the encounter then give us a call (954)559-0449. Or email us anytime at zztactical@yahoo.com
We offer different levels of training we have pistol, shotgun, rifle and combat mindset courses. We also have advanced classes and FL. CCW permit class all classes are price at $125.00-$225.00 dollars. We can train you one on one or in a group however you fell most comfortable. At Z&Z Tatcical we bring the training to you we have instuctor all over the state. They will come to your home to train you or your family together.
Our Instructors are comprised of former Marine and Army Infantry men. All are N.R.A. Firearms instructors and have been in the competition shooting world for over 22 years. Most of are instuctors have also worked in the private security industry. They have worked on contacts for State Dept, Dept of Defense, FEMA and others.
Train to Prevail
